The Banking Autopilot is here

Every industry has an autopilot. Banks and Credit Unions, now it's your turn.

Free TrialView Features

Autopilot automates all three dimensions of your institution

Soaring Deposits

Autopilot delivers sky-high deposit opportunities and instantly shows growth potential. Predict and prevent attrition, identify and convert loan-only clients into full clients, and gain an advantage over your competition.

Uplift Loans

See your new loans take off. Understand client financial behavior to make informed and competitive offers. Predict their future needs and goals whether they need mortgages, auto loans, business loans and beyond.

Automate marketing

AI-powered insights elevate your campaigns to new heights. Create lists that identify client needs early and anticipate when and where your products can make the most impact. Launch campaigns to tailored audiences and create impactful CTAs that are delivered at the right time to get conversions soaring.

Empowering holistic financial health

Cultivate secure growth by keeping an eye on the numbers that actually matter to your organization.

Financial Performance Scores

Get a birds-eye view of your institution’s key statistics.

Early Warning Indicators

Predict needs in advance to prepare for any situation.

Compare to Competition

View how your FI compares to similar institutions.

Identify Missed Revenue

Identify leaks in your offerings.

Bonus: Powerful CRM 2.0 features included

Consumer behaviors

Persona(s) 2.0
Relationship scores
Identify ghost clients

Email 2.0

Data-driven emails
Generate content and leads automatically
Optimized send for when your clients click most

Impactful Campaigns

Reduce marketing costs with targeted lists
Needs-based marketing
Hyper-personalized approach

Zero Integration

Simple data upload process
Core agnostic platform
SOC 2 certified security

Ready to start your trial?

Your data, our enhancements. Get started today at no cost.


Our free trial uses your institution's public data and offers insights into your financial health score. Autopilot allows you to act on that data.

Feature comparison
Financial Health Score
Stability Score
Factors affecting the scores
Visualize your institution's data
Track where you stand with your competitors
Upgrade to PRO
Competitive insights
Boost deposits
Predict deposit attrition
Identify missed revenue
Identify product gaps
Early warning indicators
Client behaviors and predictors
Persona(s) 2.0
Individual client financial health scores
Individual client relationship scores
Automated email marketing
Export lead lists for targeted campaigns
CRM 2.0
Secure, easy integration
It's Free!
Financial Health Score
Risk Score
Factors affecting the scores
Visualize your institution's data
Track where you stand with competitors
Get started
Financial Health Score
Risk Score
Factors affecting the scores
Visualize your institution's data
Track where you stand with competitors
Competitive insights
Boost deposits
Predict deposit attrition
Boost loans
Identify missed revenue
Identify product gaps
Early warning indicators
Client behaviors & predictors
Persona(s) 2.0
Individual client financial health score
Automated email Marketing
Export lead lists for targeted campaigns
CRM 2.0
Secure, easy integration

Frequently asked questions

Where do you get your data?

We collect banking data from various public sources, and then enrich it using the Empathy Engine®. Our enrichment process includes comparing your institution to others within your cohort and regional competitors. We can also enhance that data with you financial institution’s transaction data for more accurate scoring, enhanced early warning indicators, and marketing functionality. None of your data is shared with other institutions.

How can Autopilot increase deposits?

Autopilot allows financial institutions to better understand clients’ financial lives and needs. This information can be used to provide a 1:1 banking experience that tailors products to the individual. For example, you could target customers who have savings accounts, but do not have recurring transfers from checking accounts. Identify products your clients keep elsewhere, and target them with specific messaging.

What is the implementation process?

No integration is needed for Autopilot to begin delivering results. However, minimal integration is needed for Autopilot Pro, which can be done in a matter of minutes. No matter which core provider your institution uses, we can help develop the report call required. We work directly with several core provider systems, and can pull the data with your approval.

How can Autopilot increase loans?

Autopilot allows financial institutions to understand the existing loans that clients hold at other financial institutions. Autopilot compares the existing product to your institution’s comparative product and allows you to make direct offers to refinance, for example. Using your client's transaction data and a variety of data refinement processes, we are able to not only identify existing external loans, but purchase behaviors that indicate a potential need for a new loan opportunity.